Our Approach

The Relay Trust is a Christian training ministry that empowers shepherds (both ordained and lay) to serve nobly, wisely, and skilfully in their calling. 

Our approach is collaborative, strategy driven, but practically focused, enabling us to effectively support our partner churches in delivering the appropriate learning to equip pastors with the tools they need to make a real difference in their communities.

The Relay Trust approach is to:

  • Build partnerships with churches across Africa
  • Deliver strategic development consultancy
  • Support the development of transformational curriculums
  • Enable the development of learning communities
  • Establish learning infrastructure


Our mission is to make training culturally sensitive, easily accessible, and practically relevant for specific target groups. By providing practical tools and support, we help the shepherds of the church to become effective leaders who can positively impact their communities.

At Relay Trust, we believe that equipping church leaders is key to building strong, thriving Christian communities across Africa. We are dedicated to making a difference in the lives of pastors and their congregations, and we invite you to join us in this mission.